We are striving to extend Hospitality, Diversity, Justice not just with words but with actions too. We are called to raise awareness and respect. We are called to raise hope. We are called to raise funds for the community. We will work toward those by Education, Advocacy and Action. We are committed to the welfare of and justice for the most vulnerable and to the earth.
Trinity’s Outreach and Social Justice Team is busy with activities. Here are four such events coming up in the next few weeks.
Bowl for Kids -
Big Brothers Big Sisters Fundraiser -
February 22, 2025 @ 12:30pm Gratton Lanes
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County is excited to once again be partnering with the local Tim Hortons restaurants for the Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake event on February 22nd, 2025. Last year this event raised over $85,000, with more than 400 bowlers coming out to support the event. Title and Corporate sponsors ensure that all funds raised through event pledges go directly to fund mentoring programs right here in Lanark County.
This year a division of Trinity’s Outreach and Social Justice partners “RAINBOW 101” is entering a bowling team. So far with your help, they have raised $640 Can we raise the bar even more?
Coldest Night of the Year Walk Fundraiser -
February 22, 2025 @ 4:00pm Start at Trinity
Walk for 2km or 5km with hot chocolate &
bathroom break available at the Church
Why do we ask you to join us in our Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk in February?
Let’s look at a typical month at Cornerstone Landing: In DECEMBER 2024, we completed 9 new intakes and supported over 50 youth. We provided $1800 in rent supplements across Lanark County. We also delivered 7 free fresh produce boxes as part of our Good Food Box program.
In JANUARY, we’ve had 7 new intakes and continue to support over 60 youth. We provided $2000 in rent supplements. We delivered 30 free Good Food Boxes! And we’re on track to see even more support in FEBRUARY!
We couldn’t do all this in a month without your help. Thank you to Trinity Connectors for raising funds and walking. We really do need your help. Why? Because it’s cold out there! So far Trinity has raised $1592.75 Let’s keep going!
Every dollar raised is used to better the life a youth in need.
Pink Shirt Day Awareness Campaign -
February 23rd at Church & February 26th Nationally
Over 75% of people say they’ve been bullied. Over 90% of bullying incidents have peer witnesses. But when those peers intervene, most incidents are over within 10 seconds. Bullying could be happening to someone you know and care about – join us in taking a stand against bullying, and letting your peers know that it is not okay. Show kindness, empathy, and compassion, and speak out!
What is bullying?
Bullying is a form of aggression where there is a power imbalance; the person doing the bullying has power over the person being victimized. In additional to any physical trauma incurred, bullying can result in serious emotional problems, including anxiety, low self-esteem, or depression.
Wear pink to Church and grab an awareness pin
to show your support and stand up to bullying.
This year's theme is: Let Kindness Grow!
Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
March 8, 2025 between 11am - 1:30pm
Lower Reach Park river.
Trinity United Church Smiths Falls Chill Team
Sandy is Freezing for a Reason Raising funds for Special Olympics by jumping in the Polar Plunge 2025. Sandy is jumping so we don’t have to. He just needs us to open our piggy banks and raise those dollars. Go to Trinity United Church Smiths Falls Chill Team | Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Ontario to donate.
This initiative is designed to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics programs. Participants, commonly referred to as "Plungers," seek sponsorship for their chilly challenge, with the funds collected contributing to Special Olympics initiatives, including year-round training and events for athletes with intellectual disabilities.
With Trinity’s Commitment and your Generous Support we are making a difference in our community and showing the Love of Jesus in practical and tangible ways for today’s world.
Thank you one and all. We all need each other!
Hospitality, Diversity, Justice do not end with words. At Trinity Smiths Falls we try to be inclusive and being inclusive begins with awareness. There are many different ways to celebrate and worship. There are a variety of Faith Traditions represented in our world and community we will attempt to keep Trinity informed of these different religions, beliefs and celebrations, so we may be as respectful to them as they are to us.
Outreach and Social Justice Team will be starting up a Casserole Ministry. Funding for this initiative will come from Deferred Revenue donated during COVID to support community food security programs. Are first free lunch will be January 15, 2025 at 1:00pm.
February is a busy month for Fundraising and Awareness: We start the month off with our Casserole Ministry on February 19, 2025 at 1pm This month's offering is Chicken Stew.
February 22, 2025 Rainbow 101 is Bowling for Kids (Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraiser)
February 22, 2025 Trinity Connectors are walking for Coldest Night Walk (Lanark Cornerstone Landing fundraiser)
February 23, 2025 Outreach and Social Justice Team will hand out Pink Shirt Pins to raise awareness to end Bullying!
United Church of Canada Views: Multi-faith Relations
The United Church views the religious practice of all people of goodwill with respect and gratitude. We believe the Spirit of God is at work in many different faith communities.
For Christians, Jesus is the way we know God. Our understanding is nonetheless limited by human imagination. God is greater still and works in our world by a mysterious Spirit that knows no distinction at the doorway of a Christian chapel; Buddhist, Hindu, or Sikh temple; Indigenous sweat lodge, Muslim Mosque, or Jewish synagogue.
In and with God,
we can direct our lives toward right relationship
with each other and with God.
We can discover our place as one strand in the web of life.
We can grow in wisdom and compassion.
We can recognize all people as kin. (A Song of Faith)
We work in partnership with other Christian churches whenever possible, and among people of other religions in Canada and throughout the world on matters of justice, peace, and human dignity. Today, difference is everywhere around us and, we believe, a great cause for celebration.
Trinity is committed to providing a safe place for all. We have many services throughout the year with special intentions. They include but not limited to the following:
Services with Intention
COVID 19 Response:
Trinity as well as many others had to pivot the way we served and continued to thrive during Covid 19. We came up with inventive ways to stay connected while staying apart. We had meetings on zoom and google meets, members sewed and gave away cloth masks when you couldn’t buy disposable surgical masks. Trinity changed from our in-person meals to providing Brown Bag Lunches to the community. This venture not only fed the people of the community but also provided albeit short and limited personal contact.
Other Ministries:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Trinity also offers hospitality through prayer in various forms. Members of the congregation lead a prayer shawl Ministry, extending our love and encouragement. This includes youth venturing off to university far afield, those with newborn children, and those going through difficult times nearer to home.
Retirement Home Service
We also go once per month to Van Horne Manor to conduct an in person Church Service. We have a hymn sing with the help of Judy Drummond and/or Grant Birtch on piano.
This past May 2024 Trinity hosted a Special Occasion Luncheon to bring together some of our members who live alone or in retirement homes to socialize and reconnect with others.
Weekly Bible Study and Book Study
Once a week on Wednesday mornings a small group gathers in the meditation space to study the Bible. Check the events page to see where we are in the Bible Study.
Also, once per week we meet to do a Christian Book Study. These studies always help us dive deeper into our Christian Walk. The events page will have the latest book info available.
Keep watching our events page and facebook for up-to-date information on all things Trinity
All are welcome to join.